Title: Empowering Future Generations and Underserved Regions
In this talk, Azize Naji, CEO and founder of the award-winning company Goggleminds, will explore the transformative impact of their Mediverse, a pioneering Virtual Reality-based training platform designed to revolutionise healthcare education. Focusing on two key areas, Azize will discuss how the Futureminds initiative is inspiring the next generation of healthcare professionals through free VR workshops in secondary schools, providing students with insights into NHS careers. Additionally, he will highlight the Futurelink project, an initiative backed by Innovate UK, which is bridging the training gap in sub-Saharan Africa by establishing VR training centres, with the first centre launched in Uganda this year. These initiatives demonstrate how innovative technology is reshaping the future of healthcare training, both locally and globally.
Using his experience and passion, he became the CEO and founder of a multi-award-winning company called Goggleminds. His team have developed a Virtual Reality-based training platform called the Mediverse. This innovative platform is filled with immersive training experiences that provide healthcare professionals and students with a highly effective way to learn and improve their skills. The Mediverse has been featured on the BBC, ITV News and the Today Programme and has received widespread acclaim for its ability to revolutionise healthcare training. It is currently being used in multiple NHS providers including Oxford University Hospitals and is connecting people across world, including some of the most technology deprived areas like sub-Saharan Africa.